Home > Services > By category > Children, elders and families > Community and family support > Customary adoption and tutorship
We support First Nations communities and organizations in matters of customary adoption, customary tutorship and competent authority. Our support work is carried out by setting up tools, training and information sessions through which we can explain to the resource persons concerned the main components of customary adoption and tutorship as well as the role of the competent authority.
Our team supports communities and organizations wishing to implement customary adoption and tutorship among their populations. We are able to provide the desired and required support in the designation of the competent authority. Our organization is also recognized as a resource that can provide information regarding children under the care of the director of youth protection, the adoption and tutorship of out-of-province children and the various funding sources available.
To learn more, please refer to the page www.cssspnql.com/en/customary-adoption-and-tutorship/