Childcare services

Supporting the communities in ensuring the quality of their childcare services

h1>Our childcare-related mandate

We support First Nations communities in their actions aimed at improving the quality of their childcare services, in addition to the approaches and interventions carried out among young children and their families. We promote the overall and harmonious development of children, ranging from healthy nutrition to the layout of the premises.

Recognition for the expertise and achievements of First Nations childcare services, as well as language learning and the transmission of cultures, are at the heart of our approach.

Role and responsibilities

We have been entrusted with the mandate to act as a bridge between the levels of government, including the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec, and the First Nations with regard to programs, particularly in terms of funding affecting First Nations childcare services.

Through an agreement with the Ministère de la Famille, we are also responsible for:

  • Issuing, renewing, revoking or suspending childcare centre or day care centre permits.
  • Inspecting childcare centres and day care centres.
  • Processing complaints about a childcare service.

Upcoming trainings

Growing together: Understanding the emotional development of children ages 0-4

Tools and publications

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