Preclinical Internships in First Nations and Inuit Communities and Organizations

For physicians who are sensitive to First Nations

The Quebec First Nations and Inuit Faculties of Medicine Program (QFNIFMP) offers First Nations and Inuit students and non-Indigenous students the opportunity to benefit from internships in the communities. The objective of these internships is above all to introduce students to working in a First Nations or Inuit health centre, nursing station, hospital or organization, and give them the opportunity to discover the richness of Indigenous cultures.

Last July, 16 students from the four participating faculties of medicine completed their four-week internships in a First Nations or Inuit community or Native Friendship Centre.

The experiences were many and varied in each of the 12 internship settings. Thanks to the supervision of nurses in their daily tasks, visits to homes and residences for seniors, participation in prevention activities, the accompaniment of young people in the forest, fishing, the discovery of traditional medicine and many other activities, the students were able to discover another way of practicing medicine while broadening their horizons.

The students indicated that they were delighted with their experiences, and that they had acquired meaningful memories that would be reflected in their future practice.

The FNQLHSSC would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the communities and organizations that accepted to host the interns. Your collaboration is essential to helping future physicians on their journey towards a culturally appropriate practice.

To learn more about the QFNIFMP, visit

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