Series Justice 101

Justice 101: Series of video clips to better understand the justice system in Quebec

The FNQLHSSC is pleased to present Justice 101, a series of six informative videos intended for First Nations teens and adults aiming to help them better understand the justice system in Quebec, the legal process, their rights as well as the various recourses and resources available when one commits a crime or is a victim of a crime. Featuring more than a dozen actors from different nations and communities, this series was produced in collaboration with Éducaloi and Boîte Rouge VIF. 

The videos are available for viewing and we encourage you to promote them among your clientele and the public!

Information and advice for First Nations in Quebec

The rate of criminalization for persons domiciled in Quebec was 3%, whereas it was 15% for persons domiciled in First Nations communities.* 

Administration of justice offences are six times higher in Indigenous communities.** For instance, an individual commits an administration of justice offence when they fail to comply with court-ordered conditions, such as probation conditions. 


 *FNQLHSSC (2019) Portrait of the Criminalization of the First Nations in Quebec: Providing impetus for Change. 

 **Statistics Canada (2018) Crime reported by police serving areas where the majority of the population is Indigenous. 

1. Arrest: how to act and limit the consequences

This video talks about how to act when under arrest, how to behave during a police intervention as well as the rights of the person being arrested. 

2. Legal process: how it works and what to watch out for

This video explains the stages of the legal process set in motion when you commit a crime and lays out your rights along with the options open to you. 

3. The legal process for youth: specifics and possible consequences

This video deals with the specifics of the legal process for young people aged 12 to 17 who commit crimes and the consequences that may ensue. 

4. Sentencing: what to do and what to expect

This video helps those convicted of a crime prepare for sentencing and better understand how the Gladue report is used in this step of the legal process. 

5. Conditions: how and why to comply with them

Considering that nearly 40% of charges against First Nations peoples are offences against the administration of justice*, this video deals with the various conditions that may be imposed throughout the legal process and gives advice on how to comply with them. 


*First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission. Portrait of the Criminalization of the First Nations in Quebec: Providing Impetus for Change, p. 61, Wendake, FNQLHSSC, 2019. 

6. Healing: resources and recourse for victims

This video presents various situations experienced by a few victims of crime and indicates possible recourses and how to receive support services.  

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This tool is intended for caseworkers who want to help victims of violence consider various aspects, and identify possible means of ensuring their safety.

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