Among the First Nations communities and regional organizations, there is a great need for information relating to education, employment and early childhood development on First Nations living in communities in order to support informed decision-making in these different areas. Obtaining conclusive data is therefore essential to supporting the governance process in the communities.
As a national pilot project, the First Nations Regional Early Childhood, Education and Employment Survey (REEES) was implemented in ten regions to provide First Nations leaders and workers with scientifically-validated information in the three following target areas:
- Early childhood development;
- Education;
- Employment.
The Survey applies the principles of Ownership, Control, Access and Possession (OCAPTM) over information relating to data and information management.
What is (OCAPTM)?
The principles of ownership, control, access and possession (OCAPTM) are related to data and information management. Moreover, these principles were developed in 1997 by the Regional Health Survey Steering Committee. With these principles in mind, First Nations take part from beginning to end in research projects or program evaluations conducted by the Research Sector.
Coordination of the study
Like for the Regional Health Survey (RHS), the First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC) is coordinating the REEES at the national level. In Quebec, the FNQLHSSC will be taking care of the Survey’s coordination.
The other regional organizations involved in this survey are:
- The First Nations Education Council;
- The Institut Tshakapesh;
- The First Nations Human Resources Development Commission of Quebec.
Study population
Like for the Regional Health Survey (RHS), the First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC) is coordinating the REEES at the national level. In Quebec, the FNQLHSSC will be taking care of the Survey’s coordination.
The other regional organizations involved in this survey are:
- The First Nations Education Council;
- The Institut Tshakapesh;
- The First Nations Human Resources Development Commission of Quebec.
The REEES final report is available on the FNQLHSSC documentation center.