Centre de documentation

Evaluation of the Diabetic Retinopathy Remote Screening Pilot Project among Quebec First Nations

Numéro d’article: C0131

The diabetic retinopathy (DR) remote screening pilot project was implemented in 2010 in four Algonquin (Anishinabeg) communities of Quebec: Eagle Village, Timiskaming, Winneway and Wolf Lake (screening offered in Eagle Village). One of the objectives of this pilot project was to offer a DR remote screening service to community members while reinforcing the service corridors with the Quebec health network, thereby allowing for the provision of follow-up and care for diabetic patients. This evaluation was conducted in four components: the evaluation of the relevance, the evaluation of the implementation, the evaluation of the short-term effects and the economic analysis of the project. Thanks to the evaluation of the relevance, the observation was made that the communities that were selected for the pilot projectbenefitted from profiles that were sufficiently adequate to implement the new service. The evaluation of the implementation demonstrates that collaboration between the project partners as well as the training provided are key elements. The evaluation of the short-term effects highlights that the community workers and users are satisfied with the new screening service and have perceived numerous benefits. Finally, the economic analysis of the pilot project reveals that the financial and societal costs associated withthe DR screening are diminished when the service is provided within the communities.

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