The Turtle Is Our Mother Earth: Official Logo for the Quebec First Nations Regional Information Governance Strategy

The Turtle Is Our Mother Earth, the official logo of the Quebec First Nations regional information governance strategy, was created by artist Harry Wylde, a member of the Pikogan community. Deeply rooted in First Nations values and spirituality, this work features a turtle, a sacred and widely respected symbol in the different First Peoples cultures. 

The turtle is a universal First Nations symbol In First Nations cosmogony, the turtle represents Mother Earth. It symbolizes strength, wisdom and longevity. It is at the heart of many stories about the creation of the world. In this depiction, the turtle carries the Earth on its back, illustrating the intimate connection between nature and First Nations. It embodies perseverance and respect for natural balance. 

Meaning of the logo and turtle On the turtle’s shell, Harry Wylde included thirteen fragments representing the thirteen moons of the lunar year. The lunar cycle plays an important role for many First Nations in their understandings of natural rhythms and life, and in their worldviews. 

Colours and their meanings The colours chosen by the Pikogan artist carry profound meaning for First Nations, reflecting both their history and their vision. 

– Orange: This colour is a tribute to Indigenous children, especially those who were affected by the residential school system. It symbolizes remembrance and awareness of this dark period in history.

– Violet: The colour of healing, representing the process of repairing the historic traumas of First Nations and their resilience in coping with them.

– Red: Symbolizing the strength and endurance of First Nations, red also evokes vitality and the sacred connection to the Earth and ancestors.

– Turquoise: Representing protection, this colour embodies the defence of First Nations traditions, territories and cultures, as well as the spiritual connection with the natural world.

This logo is a powerful visual symbol for the Quebec First Nations regional information governance strategy. It reminds us that, for thousands of years, First Nations have safeguarded the knowledge that they wish to protect, organize and share according to their values and customs. The strategy aims to co-develop the structures and mechanisms that will enable them to achieve this. The logo reflects this deep connection between First Nations and Mother Earth, while symbolizing the healing, transmission and protection of their information assets.

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