What is whooping cough?

What is whooping cough?

Whooping cough, also known as Pertussis, is an illness caused by a bacterium. It results in severe coughing fits, occurring over several weeks, that make it hard to breathe and cause a “whooping” sound during inhalation. Infants and toddlers are especially at risk for hospitalization and complications such as pneumonia, seizures and dehydration.

What are the symptoms?

Once a person is infected, it can take between seven to ten days for symptoms to appear. Symptoms include:

  • Severe and persistent coughing fits
  • Fever
  • Runny nose
  • Red eyes
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Difficulty breathing

When do you become contagious?

A person with whooping cough is most contagious from the onset of symptoms until about three weeks after the start of the cough.

If your child is showing the above symptoms, please seek medical advice promptly at your health centre.


  • Vaccination (DTaP for children, Tdap for adolescents and adults) is the best way to prevent whooping cough.
  • Good hygiene practices such as handwashing go a long way, and it is important to avoid close contact with sick individuals.

Why is it important to get vaccinated?

  • The DTaP vaccine protects children from whooping cough and greatly reduces the risk of infection.  
  • The vaccine helps prevent outbreaks and protects individuals from severe illness.

Who should be vaccinated?

  • Infants, children and adolescents
  • Pregnant women
  • Adults who never received the vaccine and are often around small children

Where can you get the vaccine?

  • Community health centres
  • Nursing stations
  • Pharmacies that provide this service
  • CLSC

Isolation measures

  • Those diagnosed with whooping cough must remain home for at least five days after beginning antibiotic treatment (even if you are vaccinated against pertussis)
  • If an infected child is not being treated with antibiotics, they should isolate at home for 21 days (or three weeks) after the onset of the coughing.


Antibiotics are most effective when started early. It is crucial to contact a health care professional immediately if you notice early symptoms of whooping cough. That way you can begin treatment before coughing fits occur.

For more information about the vaccine and available treatments, please refer to your local health centre. 

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