Miscellaneous News

Each week, we gather various news related to health and social services, as well as to First Nations. Below you will find some information and publications that interest you.

SRPNI Newsletter   Consult the SRPNI newsletter here 

Indigenous Engagement on a National Diabetes Framework  

It is time to build and strengthen the vision for the future of diabetes for Indigenous peoples from coast to coast to coast. Every Indigenous person is asked to contribute their ideas, stories, works of art and music to create this future. For further information, click here. 

Tom Longboat national awards  
As a program of the Aboriginal Sport Circle, the Tom Longboat Awards provide a forum for the acknowledging the growth and strength of the Aboriginal sport movement in Canada and its tremendous impact on the sport development from community level participation to elite level competition. For further information, click here. 

La cyberintimidation, ça passe pas (cyberbullying is wrong) 
The Quebec government is continuing its fight against bullying by launching the adult component of its “La cyberintimidation, ça passe pas” (cyberbullying is wrong) campaign, from May 3 to the 28, 2023. A lot of information and resources to fight bullying are available. To view the campaign videos, click here (French only). 

Aging and Living Together 
This year, the Forum will take place on May 18 and will be offered virtually! This activity, organized by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec, will be held as part of the work to develop the 2024-2029 action plan, resulting from the government policy Aging and Living Together: At Home, in One’s Community, in Quebec. Click here to register 

Culinary workshops Cook Up Your Future from La Tablée des Chefs 

Cook Up Your Future’s culinary workshops introduce young people aged 12 to 19 to cooking and healthy eating. The program offered for young people consists of four blocks of five workshops each, for a total of 20 workshops. The youth can sign up for one season, all seasons or a combination of seasons of their choice. The notion of commitment on the part of the youth is therefore taken into account in order to foster a sense of accomplishment. 
As for the Cook Up Your Future’s workshops in schools, they are offered continuously for students with an atypical educational background, in order to promote autonomy in the kitchen and healthy eating habits. These 2 culinary workshop programs are flexible and turnkey, so it is possible to adapt them according to the needs of the community. To learn more about this component, please contact us by email: eduquer@tableedeschefs.org. 

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