Each week, we compile news on health, wellness, social services and First Nations, which is organized by category of our service offer. As a result, people in charge of the service offer can disseminate information specific to their field, or any other news relevant to First Nations.
Scholarships, awards and grants
National Healing Fund for Indigenous Survivors of Forced and Coerced Sterilization launches
The Survivors Circle for Reproductive Justice announced the official launch of the Healing Support Fund for survivors of forced, coerced and imposed sterilization. Learn more.
ISC and NCCIH call for artworks
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH) are seeking artworks by Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Organizations to feature in upcoming communicable disease prevention and awareness campaigns, social media, key messaging and other resources. Learn more.
The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2025.
Indigenous luncheon with Rachel Pelletier and Adrienne Jérôme You are invited to take part in the session’s next Indigenous Dinner Conference, to be held on Tuesday, December 17, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., online via ZOOM.
Conflicts in Réserve faunique La Vérendrye (RFLV) during the 2019 and 2020 moose hunting seasons have revealed divergent visions of wildlife management between Anicinapeg communities and the Quebec government. This discordance offers valuable information for understanding the impact of the provincial legislative framework on Anishnabeg participation in the RFLV. The conference will present the results of interviews conducted with members of the Anishnabe Nation of Lac Simon (NALS), documenting their perspective on the influence of provincial moose management on their role in managing their traditional territory, Anishnabe aki, and the moose, mos. Possible solutions for improving collaborative management between the Quebec government and the NALS will also be discussed, with a focus on integrating the knowledge and vision of the Anishnabeg.
Quebec Indigenous Science Fair
The Quebec Indigenous Science Fair will be held on 18, 19 and 2025 in the communities of Whapmagoostui and Kuujjuaraapik. Find out more about the event.
Health and wellness
Invitation to a video shoot: raising awareness about winter water safety
The Lifesaving Society is looking for community participants for a video shoot as part of a campaign to raise awareness on winter drowning prevention. We would like to invite First Nations members to participate in this video shoot. Read more.
Event on love and sexuality of indigenous peoples; Call for participation!
Le Cercle des Premières Nations de l’UQAM, in collaboration with the Centre interuniversitaire d’études et de recherches autochtones (CIERA), and the Chaire stratégique partenariale de l’UQAM en savoirs et traditions orales autochtones invites you to submit your participation in our event on Indigenous sexuality, to be held in Montreal in late April 2025. Read more.
2026 NAHC Bids
We are excited to announce that the bid process for hosting the 2026 National Aboriginal Hockey Championships is now open! For any questions or submissions, please reach out to rfp@aboriginalsportcircle.ca.
Deadline for the letter of intent and bid fee submission: January 31, 2025.
Deadline for bid submission: February 14, 2025.
Bid submission form
Bid submission guide
Bid Manual
Income security and social inclusion.
Chamandy Foundation: Call for proposals
The Chamandy Foundation’s mission is to support organizations working with marginalized children and young people aged 0 to 35. Their actions aim to promote their physical and intellectual well-being, their community or environmental involvement, so that they reach their full potential.
A call for applications will be open from January 20 to 29, 2025. Submit an application.
Prevention of Youth Homelessness International Conference
The conference will offer a unique opportunity to learn from research that showcases evidence-based solutions to youth homelessness.
The conference will take place on February 24-26, 2025 in Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto. Register here.
Children and family
Not all toys made the nice list this year
The holiday season is all about bringing joy to kids with new toys and filling their world with the magic of decorations.They say it’s the thought that counts, but not every gift is worth giving. Health Canada regularly issues recalls and safety alerts for toys and other items that can pose risks like choking, falls, injuries, burns, or ingestion hazards. So choose what could end up in their little hands wisely, especially for children under the age of 3, since they put almost everything in their mouths.
The Parental Circle Security
The Parental Circle Security is a manualized program developed by Circle of Security International. One of its aims is to get parenting figures to focus more on improving the quality of their relationship with their child than on behavior management. To find out more, click here.
First Nations Child and Family Services and Jordan’s Principle Regulations Learn more about the claims process and sign up for updates by visiting the website or calling 1-833-852-0755. Find out more Community resources
Organizational and Strategic Publications
Tahatikonhsontóntie‘ Fall 2024 Newsletter
Read the newsletter here.
Quebec Director of Public Health’s national report
The Quebec Director of Public Health’s national report is now available. The FNQLHSSC contributed to this report, which includes a new section dedicated to the priority public health issues of First Nations living in non-treaty communities.