Update of the Toolbox of research principles in an Aboriginal context

Update: new section
A section was added to the Toolbox of research principles in an Aboriginal context: ethics, respect, fairness, reciprocity, collaboration and culture. The section, entitled “Digital and Artificial Intelligence Ethics: Reference Directory,” brings together national and international guidelines and protocols for digital ethics. We hope that this new directory will contribute to the discussions of First Nations in Quebec regarding the future regulation of digital ethics. The directory, which is non-exhaustive and will be developed further, is designed to be enhanced over time.  

The reference directory contained in the new section was made possible thanks to the Scotiabank Fund for the AI + Society Initiative at the University of Ottawa, as well as the invaluable collaboration of students under the direction of Professor Karine Gentelet (Université du Québec en Outaouais and the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technologies- Obvia). 

The Toolbox of research principles in an Aboriginal context is an ever-evolving tool. It is geared toward decision makers in First Nations communities as well as researchers and students who wish to gain a deeper understanding of how research is conducted in an Indigenous context. This resource aims to make available tools that have proved useful in developing collaborative research that is ethical, respectful, equitable and reciprocal.  

Additional information For more information, please contact Victor Pelletier, Research and Evaluation Support Agent, at victor.pelletier@cssspnql.com. 

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