How do First Nations define child neglect? How can the family and the community contribute to the well-being of children? How can youth protection services be more culturally safe?
These are the three main questions to which the research entitled “Better understanding the phenomenon of child neglect in the context of First Nations in Quebec” attempts to provide answers. To achieve this, 140 people from four First Nations communities, from an urban setting, as well as youth protection workers from the Quebec network were met for individual or group interviews.
Research methodology
The information collection process was carried out from June 2019 to March 2020. In addition to offering avenues for reflection on the understanding that First Nations have of child neglect, a culturally safe model of preventive and protective services will also be presented in the research report. This model proposes to focus services on family and community healing using culturally safe approaches, where children, parents and extended family are at the heart of decisions that affect them.
We encourage you to stay tuned, as the research report will be made public in the coming months. For more information, please do not hesitate to email us at